GST e-invoicing: Resolution of common errors while reporting e-invoices to IRP

GST e-invoicing

GST e-invoicing in respect of B2B supplies has been made mandatory from 1st October,2020 for registered persons (barring few exceptions) having turnover exceeding Rs 500 crore. Further from 1st January,2021 taxpayers with turnover exceeding Rs 100 Crore would also come under ambit of GST e-invoicing. For ready reference of the taxpayers the common errors in GST e-invoicing i.e. while reporting invoices to Invoice Registration portal (IRP) and resolution for the same are tabulated below:

Error CodeError MessageReason for ErrorResolution
2150Duplicate IRNAttempting to register a document again which is already registered and IRN is generated.Don’t fire the same request simultaneously. This results in one request giving the error as ‘Duplicate IRN request’. Best way to avoid firing of IRN request repeatedly for the same request, is update in your system with IRN number when the response comes back. Next time check the IRN, if it is not there, then fire for IRN.
2172For intra state transaction IGST amounts is not applicable for item – {0} and Sl. No {1} , only CGST and SGST amounts are applicable.IGST amount is being passed for Intra State transaction where as CGST and SGST are applicable.Please check the applicable taxes for current transaction. If the State code of Point of Supply (POS) of recipient is same is state code of Supplier, then CSGT and SGST applies. However, under exception circumstances as per rule if IGST is applicable for intrastate transaction, then pass the ‘IGST’ on ‘IntraState’ Supply’ flag as ‘Y’ with IGST value so that system can process your request.
2176Invalid HSN code(s)-{0}Wrong HSN code is being passedPl check the HSN code being passed and Cross-check the correctness of HSN code on e-invoice portal. Still, if you feel it is correct, then please send the details to the helpdesk for verification at e-invoice system side.
2182Taxable value of all items must be equal to total taxable value.Sum of taxable amounts of all items should be equal to invoice level taxable amount.Please check the request payload for the taxable value validation.
Total Taxable Value = Taxable value of all line items
2189Invalid total Invoice ValueInvoice level total value has not been calculated as per the passed values.Invoice level total value is equal to totals of all the total item value plus other charges minus discount with tolerance limit of +/- One.
Pl refer to the validations in sandbox portal.
2193AssAmt value should be equal to (TotAmt – Discount) for HSN – {0} and Sl. No {1}Incorrect assessable amount is passed for the specified item.For the specific item, assessable amount should be arrived at by deducting discount from total amount.
2194Invalid total item value for HSN – {0} and Sl. No {1}.Total item value passed is incorrect.Total item value should be sum of assessable value, all tax and cess values, other charges with tolerance limit of +/- One. Please refer to the validations in the portal.
2211Supplier and recipient GSTIN should not be the same.Same GSTIN has been passed for Supplier and Buyer GSTIN.Self generated Invoice are not allowed for e-invoice generation.
2212The recipient GSTIN cannot be URP for supply type {0}.Un Registered Person (URP) is passed wrongly for B2B type of transaction.For this type of transaction, actual GSTIN needs to be passed.
2227SGST and CGST Amounts should be equal for HSN – {0} and and Sl. No {1}For the specified item, CGST and SGST amounts are not equalCGST and SGST amounts should be same for the specified item.
2233Duplicate SI nos are not allowed in items.Duplicate serial number for the items has been sent in the item list.The serial number of the items in the item list should be unique in an invoice.
2234Invalid SGST and CGST Amounts for HSN – {0} and Sl. No {1}.Wrong SGST and CGST amounts are passed for the specified item in the item list.Correct values for the SGST and CGST amounts have to be passed.
2235IGST amount given with HSN -{0} and Sl. No {1} is Invalid.Wrong IGST amount is passed for the specified item in the item list.Correct values for the SGST and CGST amounts have to be passed.
SGST and CGST values should be equal to [taxable value X tax rate / 2] for that line item with tolerance limit of +/- One.
2240Invalid GST rate for HSN -{0} and Sl. No {1}.Wrong GST rate is passed for the specified item in the item list.Correct value for the GST rate has to be passed.
Standard tax Rates are 0, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 5, 12, 18, 28
2244Recipient pincode is mandatory for transaction -{0}Recipient PIN code is missing for the specified transaction type.For the specified type of transaction, PIN code is mandatory under Recipient details.
2265Recepient GSTIN state code should be same as the sate code passed in recepient details.The state code passed and first two digits of the GSTIN passed in the Recipient details do not match.In the Recipient details, first two digits of the GSTIN should match the state code passed.
2275Recepient PIN code should be 999999 for direct export.PIN code under Recipient Details has been passed as other than 999999 for specified type of transactions.999999 as PIN code should be passed under Recipient Details for specified type of transactions.
3028GSTIN is not present in invoice systemRecipient GSTIN is invalid or does not exist in e-invoice systemCheck the correctness of the GSTIN. If you are sure that it is valid, Pl use the ‘Sync GSTIN from GST CP’ API to get it pulled from the GST Portal. If it is available in GST portal, it will return you with the details. If you get the details, then you can re-fire your request to generate the IRN. If you are not able to verify through API, you can go to portal and use the ‘Tax Payer/GSTIN’ option in search menu to check the status manually from GST Portal and use ‘Update’ button to get it updated from GST Common Portal. If you are satisfied with result, you can re-fire the request.
3029GSTIN is not activeGSTIN is inactive or cancelled by department or tax payer.Check the correctness of the GSTIN and its status. If you are sure that it is active, Pl use the ‘Sync GSTIN from GST CP’ API to get it verified from the GST Portal. If it is active at GST portal, it will return you with the new status. If you get the status as ‘Active’, then you can re-fire your request to generate the IRN. If you are not able to verify through API, you can go to portal and use the ‘Tax Payer/GSTIN’ option in search menu to check the status manually from GST Portal and use ‘Update’ button to get it updated from GST Common Portal, if required. If you are satisfied with result, you can re-fire the request.

Also Read: GST E-invoicing: Answers to 10 FAQs you should know


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