XYZ (Supplier as well as Job Worker), supplying the goods to PQR but physically goods will remain with XYZ being a job worker also. PQR will issue a job work challan to XYZ. After manufacturing the finished goods, XYZ to issue a ‘Service Invoice’ to PQR for the job work charges where the value will be only of the job work charges and not the selling price of PQR to his customer. Goods will be directly supplied from XYZ’ premises to the customer of PQR under a Tax Invoice of PQR and on the value at which PQR selling the goods to his customer. Goods will move from XYZ’s premises under the cover of Delivery Challan of XYZ and E – Way Bill and Tax Invoice of PQR. Is this correct?

Kaustubh Karandikar Asked question January 7, 2021