Dear Sir,
We are a proprietory concern, we had purchased a brand new motor car 1197 cc for rs 650000, we have claimed depriciation for the car and now the wdv on 1-4-2021 is appx 305000 we plan to sell it an expect Rs 300000 for it. The calculation of margin money are basically asking to pay full get is the value of the car goes down , so basically on 650000 even though the price that we are going to get is only 305000 , this margin money concept is showing a rosy side that only if valuation goes up that the tax is low else the gst applicable is on full value, this is on the border of double taxation and correctly should be as basic value 258500 + appx 46500 as gst , otherwise the margin money makes the price as 650000 on which gst will be applicable
please guide
Mob 9819203992

Mahesh Asked question February 27, 2021