Dear Sir/Mam,
ITC for the month of Sept. as per books= Rs 2000
ITC as per GSTR-2A of Sept = Rs 800
ITC to be claimed in Sept in GSTR-3B = Rs 800 +10% of 800 =880
Updated ITC for the month of sept in GSTR-2A = Rs 1500 (Total)
Query- What will be ITC to be claimed in GSTR-3B of Oct month, for the month Sept month ??

I think ITC for SEPT month to be claimed in Oct month should be = 1650-880 = Rs 770. Do you agree ??

2) Continuing above eg-
If Revised updated GSTR-2A for Sept month becomes Rs 2000, then how much ITC for the month of sept should be claimed in Nov month GSTR-3B ?? I think it should be balance = Rs350 Whether i am correct ??

Chirag Asked question July 12, 2020